About Lee

Hi I’m Dr Lee Devaney, I help people be happy at work!

I am a psychologist with 20 years’ experience in the fields of work psychology, mental health and wellbeing and.have worked with businesses around the world, helping develop their people and match people to roles. I believe I have found a huge problem; most people are not happy at work!

We spend most of our waking hours working, however according to Gallup, the leading organisation in measuring employee satisfaction, globally only 21% of all employees can be described as engaged in their work, that means only a fifth are highly involved in and enthusiastic about their work and workplace. A further fifth are disengaged! They often resent their workplace because so little of their needs are being met. M

ost people are absolutely languishing at work they are psychologically unattached to their work and company. they’re putting their time -- but feel no energy or passion. Additionally a full 67% of employees are struggling or suffering with their wellbeing. 

I have seen countless people in work wearing a professional mask hiding stress, boredom, and desperation at seeming meaningless work. 

Work doesnt have to be like this, for some work is as it should be; engaging exciting, and supportive. Work can be a place to develop to your potential and do something important in the world. 

Using my expertise in work psychology and wellbeing psychology and my experience in working with businesses and coaching I help people love their jobs, or move toward jobs they would love,  and workplaces become places people want to work.

Click the links above to find out more or send me a message.  I look forward to helping you. 

